Our main goal is to motivate the youngsters to improve their writing skills and this seasonal writing contest was a great challenge for those who want to practice in writing and get a fine reward for their pains.
Classrooms across the country were invited to enter Preston Education first writing contest. The students were given two Thanksgiving prompt
B) Pretend you are a very smart and special turkey. You can both understand English and write (you type with your beak)! Write a letter to Americans to convince them NOT to eat YOU the turkey for Thanksgiving.
Kaitlyn Ann from Pennsylvania Charter School
To support her classroom go to: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3P2NZWELF7XLJ?ref_=wl_share
My classroom is in a Chester, Pennsylvania Charter School and my students come from all parts of Chester, Philadelphia, and some of the other surrounding school districts. My classroom is filled with 3 different classes of students totaling to 65 current students (but with open enrollment that may change soon). I teach English Language Arts for 6th grade students in a co teaching classroom (this means I have special education student and regular education students in the same room- all working on different skills and levels). Together my co teacher and I create a classroom with a love of learning and support.

To read her classroom wonderful writing go to : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EP8A4PirYUpSWl4yXTpjRU0t360lM15389Dn7BG8cqo/edit?usp=sharing
Teresa Smithhisler From Kansas
To support her classroom go to: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/7XMDOA3H2GUG?ref_=wl_share Fifth grade classroom in Kansas at a title I school. As a teacher I strive to make a learning engaging and relevant for my students. Most of my students are on free or reduced lunch, and our English language learners.
To read her classrooms wonderful writing go to:

Johnna McDonnell
To support her classroom go to: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/XV79U5U70WOE?ref_=wl_share
My 6th grade students actively participate in the Leadership Program implemented last year at our school. I was the first teacher chosen to lead this program. Due to its success, our full middle school now has one Leadership section per grade level.My students were placed in the program based on their academics, behavior, or our belief that they are leaders. They are focused on the promise of a brighter future. We are a Title I school. The majority of our families are low income. We provide free breakfast and lunch. We provide anything we can to help our students be successful. We participate in the #clearthelist campaign and are so appreciative of the kindness so many donors share in the name of education.

To read her classrooms wonderful writing go to:
Tina Lusby with her 2nd grade class
To support her classroom go to: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1JRRJ5QR2CBLJ?ref_=wl_share
My classroom is filled with 21 spectacular, busy, beautiful 2nd graders. I teach in a school wide Title 1, small, rural school. My students love to read! They have been very engaged in our read alouds this year. In fact they beg me to keep reading and cheer when I will go longer than usual. They love to buddy read and share stories with each other. This is also a pretty creative bunch and they flourish during STEM activities and art. Writing is an area of struggle for many. It is our goal to write every single day. Because we have several friends that also struggle socially and emotionally, we work to address those needs as well. We strive to be the 'the kind kids.'
To read her classrooms wonderful writing go to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17zRoD4_9gkRRooXyjhO-p9OupWhGug_v1oHCD1UwX8s/edit?usp=sharing
Samantha Baumgardner in a 5th grade class
To support her classroom go to: https://donorschoo.se/e/4qWKfO13V1 In a 5th grade Math classroom down in South Texas, you will find classes of students working daily to better themselves academically and socially. Students work through interactive journaling, hands on activities, and movement. Each student has goals and collaborate with others until they are met and surpassed. Growth is our motto, to be better than our yesterday.

Rebecca P
To support her classroom go to https://smile.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/SY9D02FQSK6H/ref=cm_wl_huc_view
Our class consists of Severely Cognitively Impaired students, ranging in ages from 16 to 20 years old. The majority of our students are non-verbal, a few know limited sign-language and others can verbalize familiar words. However, each student primarily uses an iPad, GoTalk, PECS or switch to communicate. When we are not working on Common Core objectives, we are practicing our daily living skills and enhancing our vocational training.
The main goal or objective for this school year is for our students to self-assess themselves and to take ownership in their learning and work. We are doing that by having them choose their own work tasks each week. The work tasks consist of simple assembly tasks that include: sorting recycling, folding wash cloths, sorting silverware, matching colored items, etc. After they have completed the task, each student must pull out their work log and assess themselves by answering three questions, "Is my work complete?", "Did I need help with my work?" and "Did I like the work task?" Each response is recorded in their work log.

When Preston Education: Tutoring Services first created this contest our plan was to support the #clearthelists movement (Learn More) by awarding each student winner with a gift from their classrooms supply wish list. But we have enjoyed reading so many of these wonderful essays that we have decided that EVERY classroom will receive a gift from their wish list